Reiki's origins

Reiki's Origins

The practice of Reiki originates in Japan around the 1920's & is credited to a person named Mikao Usui. Reiki was brought to the west with a woman named Hawayo Takata around 1936. Before 1920 research shows there were other reiki forms existing in Japan but their history is not clearly defined.  

Reiki is devised of two Japanese words Rei & Ki. "Rei" loosely translates to "spirit" and "ki" loosely translates to "vital energy." Most often you will hear people say it means "universal life force energy."

From the beginning the system of Reiki  has 5 guiding principals, they are...

Just for today I will not anger.  ( peace )
Just for today I will not worry. ( courage )
Just for today I will do my work honestly & give thanks for my many blessings. ( truth & gratitude )
Just for today I will honor my parents, teachers, elders and those who have come before me. 
( humility )
Just for today I will be kind to my neighbour and every living thing. ( love & compassion )

In Japan there are mainly 2 schools of thought or traditions or Reiki. There is the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai & the Komyo Reikikai.  Reiki has evolved much here in the west & the schools of Reiki are many. 

Reiki is a system of both hands on & distance energetic vibrational healing for physical health , emotional stability, spiritual growth & mental well being.

Reiki is life affirming energy. Reiki is directed by the one who receives the energy and no harm can come to the giver or the receiver when Reiki energy is exchanged. Reiki always works for the greatest good of the one receiving the energy and the one sending it. There is no energy "lost" when going a Reiki treatment. Reiki belongs to everyone.

Contemporary Reiki is considered a form of alternative therapy. It is being used by individuals working with both people and animals the world over in private practices, schools, hospitals and clinics here in the west outside of Japan, since 1936.