Meditation with your horse

Meditate with your Horse

Hatsurei Ho is a Japanese Reiki meditation practice used to develop & strengthen ones spiritual energy.  You can easily do an adapted version of this meditational practice together with your horse at any time.

This meditation helps to develop one's hara line or the center of energy which is located just below the navel.  It will offer a feeling of grounding, center your life force energy and create a sense of balance in your body, mind & spirit. 

Daily practice of 15 minutes is recommended or whenever you have the time.  You can do this seated in a meditational posture, sitting on a chair, or standing. 

1. From your seated or standing position with your eyes open, gaze slightly downward,  place your hands below the navel, over your belly.  ( the HARA ) Breathy deeply and slowly for some minutes until you feel relaxed.  State your silent intention in your mind, " I will now begin this meditation "

2. On the inhale,  breathe in and feel fresh clean air enter your body and visualise it filling up with bright pure white light. On the exhale, feel all the old, stale, grey energy leaving your body making space for fresh, clean air and light energy to enter your body, mind and spirit. Repeat this step until you feel filled with bright, white light , fresh, new energy and know that all the heavy, stale, grey energy has been recycled into clean, pure, living, source energy once again by the universe itself. 

3. Place your hands in a prayer position over your heart, palms together. As you inhale feel the vital energy enter your hands from your hara and then feel it circulating thru your entire body and return to your hara. Repeat this visualisation process of originating from the hara, flowing to the hands & then emanating from the hara to every part of the body & back to rest in the hara several times and sit with this energy a few minutes. 

4. Relax your arms by your sides and feel the energy from your hands radiate out into the space you are sharing with your horse. Invite your horse thru your silent intention to share in this life force giving energy. 

5. With an open heart, remain sitting or standing, arms relaxed at your side and recite the Reiki precepts silently in your mind. 

Just for today I will not anger.  ( peace )
Just for today I will not worry. ( courage )
Just for today I will do my work honestly & give thanks for my many blessings. ( truth & gratitude )
Just for today I will honor my parents, teachers, elders and those who have come before me. 
( humility )
Just for today I will be kind to my neighbour and every living thing. ( love & compassion )

6. Stay with your horse and feel the atmosphere this meditation has created around you and your horse for as long as you both feel to. 

7. Offer gratitude to your horse for co creating this atmosphere of peace, receptivity and healing. Silently state the intention to close the meditation. " I will now end this meditation " Place your hands over your heart in prayer position, palms together and bow.

Continue with your planned activity together with your horse and enjoy !